
Welcome to the monarch library! Our goal is to include all peer-reviewed articles on monarch biology with links to sites that will give you the easiest direct access to each article. Please contact if you 1) know of an article not included, 2) find a mistake in any of the listed articles, 3) know of a better link to access an article. Thanks! With your help we can provide the most complete, informative access to all papers on monarch biology.

Field Definitions

First author: Last name of the first author
Type: Article or book chapter
Year: Publication year
Source: Journal or book
Category*: Broad scope of the publication.
Research topic (monarch & supporting research only)*: Specific topic.
Geographic focus*: Geographic setting for field studies.
Monitoring data used: Data from monitoring or public data efforts.
* Full list

995 result(s)
Category: Hostplant biology
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Petschenka G, Fei CS, Araya JJ, Schroder S, Timmermann BN, and AA Agrawal. 2018. Relative Selectivity of Plant Cardenolides for Na+/K+-ATPases From the Monarch Butterfly and Non-resistant Insects. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1424; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01424

Category: Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Agrawal AA, Inamine H. Mechanisms behind the monarch's decline. Science. 2018 Jun 22;360(6395):1294-6.

Category: Techniques, Resource use
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Grant TJ, Parry HR, Zalucki MP, Bradbury SP. Predicting monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) movement and egg-laying with a spatially-explicit agent-based model: The role of monarch perceptual range and spatial memory. Ecological Modelling. 2018 Apr 24;374:37-50.

Category: Environmental performance
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Davis AK, Schroeder H, Yeager I, Pearce J. Effects of simulated highway noise on heart rates of larval monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus: implications for roadside habitat suitability. Biology letters. 2018 May 1;14(5):20180018.

Category: Commentary or review
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Reppert SM, de Roode JC. 2018. Demystifying Monarch Butterfly Migration. Current Biology 28(17):1009-1022

Category: Commentary or review
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Malcolm SB. 2018. Anthropogenic Impacts on Mortality and Population Viability of the Monarch Butterfly. Annual Review of Entomology 63:277-302.

Category: Hostplant biology, Resource use, Evolution/range
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Petschenka G, Fei CS, Araya JJ, Schroder S, Timmermann BN, and AA Agrawal. 2018. Relative Selectivity of Plant Cardenolides for Na+/K+-ATPases From the Monarch Butterfly and Non-resistant Insects. Frontiers in Plant Science 9:1424; doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.01424

Category: Population dynamics, GMO/toxins
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Saunders SP, Ries L, Oberhauser KS, Thogmartin WE, Zipkin EF. Local and cross‐seasonal associations of climate and land use with abundance of monarch butterflies Danaus plexippus. Ecography. 2018 Feb;41(2):278-90.

Category: Evolution/range, Environmental performance, Natural enemies, Physiology/behavior, Resource use, Hostplant biology, Natural enemies
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Decker LE, Soule AJ, de Roode JC, and MD Hunter. 2018. Phytochemical changes in milkweed induced by elevated CO2 alter wing morphology but not toxin sequestration in monarch butterflies. Functional Ecology 2018

Category: Evolution/range, Physiology/behavior, Population dynamics, Resource use, Hostplant biology
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Faldyn M, Hunter MD, and BD Elderd. 2018. Climate change and an invasive, tropical milkweed: an ecological trap for monarch butterflies. Ecology 99(5):1031-1038.

Category: Migration, Population dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Malcolm SB, Ruiz Vargas N, Rowe L, Stevens J, Armagost JE, and AC Johnson. 2018. Sequential Partial Migration Across Monarch Generations in Michigan. Animal Migration 5(1):DOI:

Category: Resource use, Hostplant dynamics, Habitat
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Daniels J, Kimmel C, McClung S, Epstein S, Bremer J, and K Rossetti. 2018 Better Understanding the Potential Importance of Florida Roadside Breeding Habitat for the Monarch. Insects 9(4):137

Category: Resource use, Physiology/behavior, Hostplant biology
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Pocius VM, Pleasants JM, Debinski DM, Bidne KG, Hellmich RL, Bradbury SP, and SL Blodgett. 2018. Monarch Butterflies Show Differential Utilization of Nine Midwestern Milkweed Species. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 2018:00169

Category: Other
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Halbritter DA, Gordon JM, Keacher KL, Avery ML, and JC Daniels. 2018. Evaluating an Alleged Mimic of the Monarch Butterfly: Neophasia (Lepidoptera: Pieridae) Butterflies are Palatable to Avian Predators. Insects 9(4):150;

Category: Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 2018
Zuber M, Khader SMA, Kalburgi S, Basri EI, and KA Ahmad. 2018. Performance of a Monarch Butterfly for Various Flapping Angle. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE) 7(4.25):126-130.


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Please contact with any additions or corrections.